Saturday, December 17, 2011


What is PESTEL?
What is PEST?

PESTEL stands for Political, Economic, Social, Technical, Environment  and Legislative, each of which represent a an environmental pressure on a group or organization. It is used as a strategic planning technique that provides a useful framework for  an “outside in” analysis.  It is recommended particularly for teams and organizations who have become too inward-looking.

PESTEL frame work which don’t have the last two forces is Called PEST frame work?
Flowing comes an example PETSEL framework with subsets.

Political -
- Trading policies
- Employment Law
- Taxation (Corporate;Consumer)

Economic -
- Interest Rates
- Inflation
- Economic growth
- Exchange rates
- stage of business cycle

Socio-Cultural -
- Branding
- Demographics
- Lifestyle changes
- Health and welfare

Technological -
- Stock Control
- Government spending on research
- Energy use and costs

Environmental -
- Packaging
- Recycling

Legal -
- Competition Commision
- Employment Law
- Trade Regulations

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